Latest information regarding vacant business premises in Pokolpje

STRATUS commercial building (Danfoss Belt Industrial Zone)

Vacant business premisess in Stratus commercial building:

Ulica heroja Stariha 19, SI-8340 Črnomelj

Vacant business premises in the old city centre in Metlika

Trg svobode 9, 8330 Metlika, Slovenia

Vacant business premises in the center of Črnomelj

Trg svobode 1A, Črnomelj

Vacant business premises in the centre of Črnomelj (Piccolo)

Trg svobode 1a, SI-8340 Črnomelj

Vacant business premises in Črnomelj - Delavska pot

Delavska pot 5, Črnomelj

Prosti poslovni prostori v Metliki - poslovna cona Beti.

Tovarniška cesta 2, metlika

Vacant business premises in OOZ (Regional Chamber of Craft) Črnomelj

Ulica 21. oktobra 10, SI-8340 Črnomelj

Vacant business premises at the company Beti, d.d., Metlika

Tovarniška cesta 2, SI-8330 Metlika

Vacant business premises at the company Komet, d.d., Metlika

Rosalnice 1, SI-8330 Metlika

Vacant business premises - Adlešiči

Vacant business premises in Semič

Obrtna cona 6, SI-8333 Semič

Prosti poslovni prostori v Semiču

Stara cesta 20, 8333 Semič