If you would like to publish information about vacant business premises, complete the forms below and send them to:
barbara.vranicar@ric-belakrajina.si or vesna.fabina@ric-belakrajina.si or tomaz.lovsin@rc-kocevjeribnica.si
Form: Registration of vacant business premises (document size: 243KB)
Consent to the publication of business premises (document size: 316KB)
Vacant business premises in Dolenji Suhor pri Vinici
STRATUS commercial building (Danfoss Belt Industrial Zone)
Vacant business premisess in Stratus commercial building: https://issuu.com/ph-stratus/docs/ph_stratus_brosura_za_podjetja.
Vacant business premises in the old city centre in Metlika
- Vacant business premises – Anton Slanc, s.p. (459.7 kB)
Vacant business premises in the center of Črnomelj
Vacant business premises in the centre of Črnomelj (Piccolo)
- Vacant premises - Piccolo (112.5 kB)
Vacant business premises in Črnomelj
- Vacant business premises Ivan Müller I (488.5 kB)
- Vacant business premises Ivan Muller II (488.5 kB)
Vacant business premises in Črnomelj - Delavska pot
Prosti poslovni prostori v Metliki - poslovna cona Beti.
Vacant business premises in OOZ (Regional Chamber of Craft) Črnomelj
Vacant business premises at the company Beti, d.d., Metlika
- Beti units (301.4 kB)
- Industrial zone BETI (54.4 kB)
- Basic information about vacant offices (774.1 kB)
Vacant business premises at the company Komet, d.d., Metlika
- Prosti poslovni prostori Komet, d.d. (101.4 kB)
Vacant business premises - Adlešiči
Vacant business premises in Semič
- Vacant business premises - Kaiva (605.1 kB)
Prosti poslovni prostori v Semiču
- Prosti poslovni prostori - Anton Malenšek (183.2 kB)